Auxiliaries and their Substitutes - Hilfsverben und ihre Ersatzformen

Es gibt zwei Arten von Hilfsverben
primäre oder vollständige Hilfsverben:
to be
to have
to do
Mit den vollständigen Hilfsverben bildet man Fragen, Verneinungen, Kurzantworten und Tempora.
modale Hilfsverben: Sie drücken aus, daß etwas geschehen kann, muß, darf, soll, könnte etc. Sie werden in Verbindung mit einem Vollverb verwendet, haben aber in der 3. Person Singular kein -s. Sie können auch nicht alle Tempora bilden und brauchen deshalb bestimmte Ersatzformen, deren wichtigste Sie sich einprägen müssen.


must = to have to = müssen
I don't have to come.
Do I have to come?
Die Ersatzform gilt hier als Vollverb und muß deshalb in Frage und Verneiung umschrieben werden.
Simple Present:I have to come.I don't have to come.
Simple Past:I had to come.I didn't have to come.
Present Perfect:I have had to come.I haven't had to come.
Past Perfect:I had had to come.I hadn't had to come.
Future I:I will have to come.I won't have to come.
Future II:I will have had to come.I won't have had to come.
Beachte: die Bedeutungsveränderung:

must not (mustn't) = not to be allowed to = nicht dürfen


can = to be able to = können, fähig sein
Simple Present:I am (not) able to play the piano.
Simple Past:I was (not) able to play ...
Present Perfect:I have (not) been able to play ...
Past Perfect:I had (not) been able to play ...
Future I:I will (not) be able to play ...
Future II:I will (not) have been able to play ...


may = to be allowed to = dürfen
He is (not) allowed to come.


4.shall / should / ought to
shall / should / ought to =to be supposed to =sollen
to be expected to
to be to
He is (not) supposed to win the match.
He is expected to win ...
He is to ask the manager.


need= to have to= brauchen, müssen
needn't= not to have to= nicht brauchen, nicht müssen
You needn't come. = You don't have to come.



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